Marketing & Communications Standards & Resources
These specifications and guidelines are intended for use by the ¶¶ÒõPro community, its administration, staff, faculty, students and alumni. It is also a key resource for vendors in creating strong consistent webpages for ¶¶ÒõPro departments.
This page also includes information for making web requests, image/photography requests, and other requests related to creating print or web collateral.
Graphic, Editorial and Brand Documentation
The official guide to university graphic standards (13MB PDF) details all approved methods of using ¶¶ÒõPro logos, identifiers and other visual elements.
For questions about print media, contact Ed Pereira, assistant director, University Design & Editorial Services, 401-598-2362
To maintain the integrity of university logos, do not:
- add drop shadow
- add filter effects such as “glowing” or “beveled”
- distort in any way
- alter color(s)
- use tiling or mosaic
- use on colored backgrounds not specified in Graphic Standards
Any entity that publishes information on a regular or professional basis uses an editorial style guide (a set of rules for punctuation, spelling, abbreviation, capitalization and grammar). The official guide to university editorial standards (593K PDF) provides a foundation upon which to base writing decisions and help improve the clarity and consistency of all written university communication.
Direct all questions to Jennifer Brouillard, senior writer-editor, 401-598-2355.
The official University Brand Resource Guide (PDF) details approved university messaging and positioning.
The core storylines contained in this document are key thought starters when creating university collateral, messaging, programming, scripts, events, pitches, signage — and sharing who the university is with the world.
For questions, contact University Communications & Media Relations.
¶¶ÒõPro faculty and staff are encouraged to engage in professional social media conversations that support ¶¶ÒõPro’s reputation and brand. If you are creating social media content on behalf of a department, college, or organization at the institution, the university’s official Social Media Guidelines (PDF) should be followed.
For questions, contact University Communications & Media Relations.
This section of ¶¶ÒõPro’s Editorial and Graphic Standards lays out usage guidelines for university logos, fonts, colors, photography and other visuals used in digital communications.
The application of web graphic standards strengthens the visual identity elements that support the ¶¶ÒõPro image on its websites and also on the Internet. Consistent and regular use of logos and other identifiers enhances the university’s position as a unique educational institution and helps separate it from similar or competing organizations. A consistent and specific visual identity familiarizes viewers with the institution and provides a basis for a positive experience.
Fonts & Colors
H1 - Termina, sans serif
H2 - Termina, sans serif
H3 - Termina, sans serif
H4 - Termina, sans serif
H5 - Termina, sans serif
H6 - Termina, sans serif
P - Open Sans, sans serif
Well-composed and properly positioned images enhance the narrative of a webpage. Lighting, spacing, appropriate camera angles and proper color exposure all help convey a mood or feeling. Imagery that is contextually related to the page copy is ideal.
- Always use the highest possible resolution when creating original photography and graphics. Camera phone images are unacceptable.
- Submit images containing flat solid color, such as logos and vector graphics, as AI or EPS files.
- Submit photos as TIFF, PSD, RAW, and JPG.
- Do not use copyrighted images without written notification of permission.
- Verify that people in photos who are not ¶¶ÒõPro students have signed a Release for Image and Voice Use Form (39K PDF).
See Graphic Standards (above) for additional information.
Print/Web Requests and Forms
This section includes directions for initiating web edits, print projects and photo or video requests. You can also find fillable forms for image/vocal releases, location releases, and more.
¶¶ÒõPro Web Support outlines how to request edits to ¶¶Òõ or other university digital properties. This one-stop resource summarizes:
- The responsibilities of the Enrollment Management team
- An extensive list of web editors
- How to request a web edit or project
Once the request is received by the IT Service Desk, you will receive an incident number regarding the request. Contact the IT Service Desk at 866-598-4367 or with any questions.
The university photographer’s mission is to create and capture images with the sole purpose of marketing the university. Telling the ¶¶ÒõPro story through engaging visuals to support new student recruitment is central to that work, and the post-production element of the role is much more time intensive than being behind the camera. Evaluating the overall time demand balanced against the opportunities inform the allocation of resources.
To do this and to support the needs across ¶¶ÒõPro’s two campuses, Digital Communications drafted the following guidelines for requesting these resources. Assignments are made based on strategic content needs and opportunities. Before submitting your request, please keep in mind that the overriding priority for Digital Communications resources is to focus on marketing to prospective students and their influencers.
- Requests should be made far in advance (when appropriate). An outline of the objectives, end goal and ultimate usage should be part of the request.
- Please be mindful that a substantial amount of time is required post-production to properly download, edit and catalog the content. This is factored into the equation when considering a request.
- Before requesting photography or videography resources, ask yourself these questions:
- Does the need directly support new student recruitment?
- Is there a clear objective of the project/shoot?
- Will the end product have multiple applications (i.e. social, web content, marketing materials)?
- Will the result produce content with a reasonable shelf life (2 years)?
To request copies of existing digital still photos, please email
To request a photo shoot, fill out the online . Be sure to include the following information on your form:
- Project name
- Date and time of photo shoot
- Department
- Your name
- Primary contact
- Description (ex: location, specific activity, environment, etc.)
- Image file names (if known and requesting existing image)
- How the image will be used (ex: print or web/digital, internal presentation, external piece, etc.)
- Who the images should be distributed to
- Target date for completion
If you have any questions you may also email Mike Cohea.
Assignments are made based on strategic content needs and opportunities. As such, University Communications has drafted the following guidelines for requesting these resources:
- Requests may be declined if they do not include a specific use for the video, do not fit University Communications' mission, or those requests are not made with enough advance notice.
- Please send an email to with the following information by cutting and pasting the below into the email and listing the answers:
Contact name: answer here
Contact email address: answer here
How would this video support new student recruitment? answer here
What is the objective, asset or desired deliverable? answer here
Where would the end product be used, viewed or posted (please include the DAM if applicable)? answer here
Will the end result have a reasonable shelf life of more than two years? answer here
How many days of filming will the project require (please include filming dates)? answer here
How long do you anticipate this project take from shooting to delivery? answer here
What is the preferred release date? answer here
Any additional project details: answer here
The university videographer’s mission is to create and capture video with the purpose of marketing the university. Evaluating the overall time demand (the post-production element of the role is much more time-intensive than being behind the camera) balanced against the opportunities inform the allocation of resources.
Thank you!
Telling the incredible stories that happen at ¶¶ÒõPro is important work. Not only can we leverage these stories to attract new students and promote our university to the public, but we can also share them within our community to foster Wildcat pride and celebrate our success together.
We’re looking for stories about students, collaborative projects in the classroom, exciting internship opportunities and other topics. The story form below contains additional info about the types of stories we are giving priority to.
University and Campus Fact Sheets
These university and campus fact sheets provide a quick summary of Johnson & ¶¶ÒõPro’s mission, strategic plan and key facts and numbers relevant to the entire ¶¶ÒõPro community.
These university and campus fact sheets provide a quick summary of Johnson & ¶¶ÒõPro’s mission, strategic plan and key facts and numbers relevant to the entire ¶¶ÒõPro community.
University Fact Sheet (1.3MB PDF)
Providence Campus Fact Sheet (1.6MB PDF)
Charlotte Campus Fact Sheet (1MB PDF)
College of Professional Studies Fact Sheet (1MB PDF)